Individual Health Insurance

If you don’t have health insurance through work, you’ll have to get it on your own.  We can help.

During open enrollment, people can purchase new health insurance or change the insurance they currently have.  This year, Open Enrollment will begin November 1, 2024 but you may qualify for a Special Enrollment if one of these apply to you:

  • Involuntary loss of coverage
  • Moving to a new area
  • A drop in income where you would now qualify for a subsidy
  • Marriage
  • Divorce
  • Having or Adopting a child

Castaline Insurance Agency can help you determine if you qualify.

We’re available by phone, email, or even chat when you’re ready for help.

Ready now?

Let’s start by reviewing your current plan.

Is there not enough coverage or too much?

Is your favorite doctor in your network?

Does your plan cover you if you go out of network?

And of course we can’t forget about cost. Are you paying too much?

Once we have reviewed your current individual health insurance plan, we can use it as a baseline to design a new plan that offers the proper coverage, benefits, and choice all while meeting your budget.

Now that we have reviewed your current plan and designed a new and improved one, it’s time to apply. We can do everything online with e-signature. You can even sign with your smartphone.

Obamacare made health insurance mandatory.

We make it easy.